A Mars I would never like to return to
After playing Mars: War Logs for 51 minutes it became apparent.
I can let slide the unimaginative title but as soon as poorly scripted dialogue, poor animations as well as repetitive character animations and ear wrenchingly bad voice acting became involved, I could not muster the effort to carry on.
The game never built any enthusiasm within me and all I could see in the near and distant horizon was boredom. Tedious hours of walking through the land of Mars which never sparked the same sort of curiosity or suspense which has been delivered by previous titles such as the great and wonderful Doom 3.
The fighting system was okay. That being said, you will find yourself completing the same routine time after time with not much variety. Block, hit, throw sand, shoot. Once mastering that - you will never fear the AI system.
Most of the NPCs are somewhat pointless as well. Whilst walking from one mission point to another along a linear map which tries to pass itself off as an open world map, you will find yourself speaking to NPCs that have absolutely no relevance or importance. The conversations do not immerse you within the Mars world but rather making you feel like you want to flee the conversation as soon as possible.
The good parts - it's a RPG that allows for a good amount of choices and conversation responses, when you find a good NPC, the lead character is pretty bad ass and his voice acting and character animation was finished to a higher standard then compared to characters around.
An animation that will forever be imprinted within my mind is of the fat man talking, what I can only assume was the best version of tough-guy-dialogue that the writers could come up with whilst repeating the same animations over and over again. Thank God we were allowed to beat him up.
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